Friday, 8 February 2013

Ayurveda "The Science of Self Healing"

      Ayurveda encompasses not only science but religion and philosophy as well. It is a traditional medicine practice, still being used in India and in some parts of Asia. Ayurveda senses the word religion to denote beliefs and disciplines conductive toward states of being in which the doors of perception open to all aspects of life, and the whole life is based on sacred. while the philosophy refers to love of truth and in Ayurveda  truth is being pure, pure to all the source of life.

      All ayurvedic literature are based upon the Samkhua philosophy of creation. Samkhua is a Sanskrit word; meaning sat, “truth” andkhya means to know”. The ancient people realized being rishis or sheers of truth, they discovered truth by means of their religious practices and disciplines. Through intensive meditation they manifested truth in their daily living and this system of knowledge evolved from those rishis practical, philosophical and religious illumination, which was rooted in their understanding of the creation.

     They perceived, in close relationship between man and the universe, how cosmic energy manifests in all living and nonliving things. They also realized that the source of all existence is Cosmic consciousness, which manifests as male and female energy- Shiva and Shakti.
The rishi Kapila, who realized the Samkhya philosophy of creation, discovered twenty-four principles of elements of the universe, of which prakurti or creativity is the most basic.
Purusha is the male, while prakurti is the female energy. Purusha is formless, colorless and beyond attributes and takes no active part in the manifestation of the universe. This energy is choice less, passive awareness.
While prakurti has form, color and attributes: it is awareness with choice. It is Divine Will, the one who desires to become many, the divine mother.
         Prakurti creates all forms in the universe, while purusha is the witness of this creation. It is primordial physical energy containing the three attributes, or gunas found in all nature, the evolving cosmos.
        The three gunas are satva(essence), rajas(movement) and tamas contained in balance in prakurti. When this balance is disturbed, there is an interaction of the gunas which thus engenders the evolution of the universe.
        The first manifestation from prakurti is cosmic intellect. From Mahad, Ego(ahamkar) is formed. Ego then manifests into the five senses(tanmantras) and the five motor organs, with the help of satva, thus creating the organic universe. The same Ego further manifests into five basic elementa(bhutas) with the help of tamas, to create the inorganic universe.
        Rajas is the active vital life force in the body which moves both the organic and inorganic universe to satva and tamas, respectively. So, satva and tamas are inactive, potential energies which need the active, kinetic force of rajas, satva is creative potential(brahma); rajas is a kinetic protective force(Vishnu); and tamas is a potential destructive force(mahesha). Creation(brahma), protection(Vishnu) and destruction(mahesha) are the three manifestations of the first cosmic soundless sound “AUM” which are constantly operating in the universe.

Ayurveda,The first life science
       Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine that is indigenous to and widely practiced in India. The word Ayurveda is asanskrit trm meaning “science of life” Ayu means life or daily living, and Veda means “knowing”. Ayurveda was first ecorded in the vedas, the oldest extant literature. This healing system has been practiced in daily life in india for more than 5,000 years.

Ayurveda and Human Potential
       Ayurveda teaches that man is a microcosm, a universe within himself. He is a child of the cosmic forces of the external environment, the macrocosm. His individual existence is indivisible from the total cosmic manifestation. Ayurveda views health and "dis­ease" in holistic terms, taking into consideration the inherent relationship between individual and cosmic spirit, individual and cosmic consciousness, energy and matter.
According to the teachings of Ayurveda, every human being has four biological and spiritual instincts: religious, financial, pro-creative and the instinct toward freedom. Balanced good health is the foundation for the fulfillment of these instincts. Ayurveda helps the healthy person to maintain health, and the diseased person to regain health. It is a medical-metaphysical healing life-science, the mother of all healing arts. The practice of Ayurveda is designed to promote human happiness, health and creative growth.
Through studying the teachings of Ayurveda, the practical knowledge of self-healing may be acquired by anyone. By the proper balance of all energies in the body, the processes of physical deterioration and disease can be impressively reduced. This concept is basic to Ayurvedic science: the capability of the individual for self-healing.