Pancha Karma, Therapeutic Vomiting, Purgatives

         For numerous ailments such as excess mucus in the chest, bile in the intestines, kapha in the stomach or gas accumulation in the large intestine, physical elimination may be used. For such treatment  Ayurveda suggests pancha karma. These processes are cleansing to the body, mind and emotions. Pancha means "five" and kar­ma means "actions" or "process". The five basic processes are: vomiting; purgatives or laxatives; medicated enemas; nasal administration of medication and purification of the blood.


          (Vaman) When there Is congestion in the lungs causing repeated attacks of bronchitis, cough, cold or asthma, the Ayurvedic treatment is therapeutic vomiting (vamana). to eliminate the mucus-causing ex­cess kapha. First, three or four glasses of licorice or calamus root tea are administered; then vomiting is stimulated by rubbing the tongue, which releases emotions. Or, in the morning before brushing the teeth, one may take two glasses of salt water, which will aggravate kapha. Then rub the tongue to induce vomiting. Once the mucus is released, the patient will feel instantly relieved. Con­gestion, wheezing and breathlessness will disappear and the sinuses will become clear.
Therapeutic vomiting is also indicated for skin diseases, chronic asthma, diabetes, chronic cold, lymphatic obstruction, chronic indigestion, edema (swelling), epilepsy (between attacks), chronic sinus problems and repeated attacks of tonsillitis.

          When much bile is secreted and accumulated in the gall­bladder, liver or intestines, an allergic rash or skin inflammation is seen. Virechan is the cleansing of Pitta and the purification of blood toxins; it can be given three days after Vaman therapy. If Vaman therapy is not indicated, it can be administered directly To prepare for Virechan therapy, oil and fomentation must be applied to the rectum and abdomen respectively. Virechan cleanses the sweat glands, small intestine, colon, kidneys.

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