Various Diagnosis

            Vata eyes are small and nervous, with drooping eyelids and dry. scanty lashes. The white of the eye is muddy, while the iris is dark, grey-brown or black. Pitta eyes are moderate in size, sharp, lustrous and sensitive to light. The lashes are scanty and oily while the iris is red or yellowish. Kapha eyes are large, beautiful and moist, with long, thick, oily lashes. The white of the eye is very white, while the iris is pale, blue or black. Eyes that are small and blink frequently show a predominance of vata in the body. Excessive blinking shows deep-seated nervousness and anxiety or fear. A drooping upper eyelid indicates a sense of insecurity, fear or lack of confidence, deranged vala. Big. beautiful and attractive eyes indicate a kapha constitution. Pitta eyes are lustrous and sensitive to light, with reddened whites and have a tendency to be nearsighted. According to Ayurveda, the eyes derive their energy from the basic fire element. The fiery energy in the retina results in sensitivity to light. Thus, people of pitta constitution, having an abundance of fire in the body, often have eyes that are hypersensitive to light.
If the eyes are prominent, there is a dysfunction of the thyroid gland. If the conjunctiva is pale, anemia is present; if it is yellow, the liver is weak.
            One should also examine the color, size and shape of the iris. A small iris indicates weak joints. If there is a white ring around the iris, there is excessive intake of salt or sugar. In the middle-aged, this also may be a sign of bodily stress. If the white ring is very pro­minent and very white (especially in the middle-aged), this in­dicates degeneration in the joints. The joints will pop and crack and arthritis and joint pain are likely. Brownish-black spots in the iris indicate unabsorbed iron in the intestine.
In addition to the diagnostic techniques mentioned in the previous pages, Ayurveda also employs other means of clinical examination, namely, palpation, percussion, auscultation and inquiry. Additionally, there are examinations of the heart, liver, spleen, kidney, urine, stool, sputum, sweat, speech and physiognomy.
All Ayurvedic treatment attempts to establish a balance between the bodily humors, vata-pilla-kapha. As discussed in the fourth chapter, disease results when these three are out of balance.
According to Ayurvedic teaching, the initiation of any form of treatment (whether it be medication, acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, allopathy or any other) without first eliminating the toxins in the system that are responsible for the disease, will only push these poisons deeper into the tissues. Symptomatic relief of the dis­ease process may result from superficial treatment. However, the fundamental cause of the illness will not be affected and the pro­blem will therefore manifest again in the same or another form.
There are two types of Ayurvedic treatment: elimination of tox­ins and neutralization of toxins. These treatments may be applied on both the physical and emotional levels.

         The face is the mirror of the mind. The lines and wrinkles in your face are revealing. If disorder and disease are present, they will be indicated on the face. Observe the different parts of your face carefully in the mirror. Horizontal wrinkling on the forehead indicates you have deep-seated worries and anxieties. A vertical line between the eyebrows on the right side indicates your emotions are repressed in the liver. A vertical line between the eyebrows on the left side indicates your spleen is holding in emotions.
        When the lower eyelids are full and puffy, it indicates that the kidneys are impaired. A butterfly-like discoloration on the nose or on the cheeks just below the kidney region means the body is not absorbing iron or folic acid and the digestive metabolism is not working properly because of low agni.
Generally, a person of vata constitution cannot gain weight. Therefore, his cheeks become flat and sunken. A person whose metabolism is slow {kapha constitution) will retain water, fat and the cheeks will be plump.
The shape of the nose can indicate the constitution. A sharp nose may denote pitta: a blunt nose, kapha: and a crooked nose. vata.

          According to Ayurveda, the nails are a waste product of the bones. Look at the size, shape, surface and contour of your nails. Also, observe whether they are flexible, soft and tender, or brittle and easily broken.
If the nails are dry,  crooked, rough and break easily, vata pre­dominates in the body. If the nails are soft, pink, tender, easily bent and slightly glistening, pitta predominates. When the nails are thick, strong, soft and very shiny with a uniform contour, then kapha predominates.

         Vata lips are thin and dry. Pitta lips are red and Kapha lips are thick and oily Dry or cracked lips indicate dehydration and Vata derangement Pale lips are symptomatic of anemia. Brown spots are a sign of chronic indigestion and can mean the presence of worms in the colon. Herpes blisters or ulcers on the lips indicate Pitta derangement. Tremors of the lips are a sign of fear or anxiety. Longitudinal lines on the nails indicate mal-absorption in the digestive system. Transverse grooves on the nails reveal defective nutrition or a long-standing illness.
         Sometimes the nails become prominent, convex and bulbous like a drumstick. This condition, which is called clubbing, indicates delicate lungs and heart. When the nail is spoon-shaped and con­cave so that it will hold a drop of water an iron deficiency exists. White spots on the nail indicate a zinc or calcium deficiency.
        Pale nails indicate anemia. Undue redness shows an excess of red blood cells. Yellow nails indicate a delicate liver or jaundice. Blue nails show a weak heart. Each finger and the thumb correspond to an organ of the body. The thumbnail corresponds to the brain and skull and the in­dex finger to the lungs. The middle finger relates to the small intestine and the ring finger to the kidney. The little finger relates to the heart. A white spot on the ring finger indicates calcium deposits in the kidney. If the spot is on the middle finger, there is unabsorbed calcium in the intestine. If the white spot is on the index finger, it in­dicates calcium deposits in the lungs.

           Coloration of the nail can denote a particular disorder, if the nail is pale, anemia is indicated. A yellow nail is a sign of a delicate liver, while a blue nail is symptomatic of delicate lungs and heart. If the luna (the crescent at the base of the nail) is blue, a disturbed liver is indicated. A red luna is a sign of cardiac failure.

          As with the other features of the body (e.g.. tongue, nails, face, eyes), the lips, too. reflect the health or disease of the various physical organs. One should observe the size, shape, surface, color and contour of the lips, if they are dry and rough, this indicates dehydration or a vata derangement. Nervousness and fear also create dryness and tremors of the lips. In anemia, the lips become pale. As a result of chronic smoking, the lips become blackish brown. Repeated attacks of inflammatory patches along the margins of the lips, indicates the presence of herpes and a chronic pitta derangement. If there are multiple pale brown spots on the lips, poor digestion or worms in the colon are indicated. If a jaundice condition exists, the lips become yellow. In heart disorders, because of lack of oxygen, the lips become blue. Discoloration of the various areas of the lips indicates a disorder of the respective organ.

        The tongue is the organ of taste and speech. We perceive taste through the tongue when it is wet: a dry tongue cannot perceive taste. The tongue is also the vital organ of speech, used to convey in words, thoughts, concepts, ideas and feelings. Examination of this important organ reveals the totality of what is happening in the body.
Look at your tongue in the mirror. Observe the size, shape, contour, surface, margins and color. If the color is pale, there is an anemic condition or lack of blood in the body. If the color is yellowish, excess bile exists in the gallbladder or there is a liver disorder. If the color is blue (provided one has not eaten blue berries), there is some defect in the heart.
As shown in the diagram, different parts of the tongue are related to different organs in the body. If there are discolorations, depressions or elevations on certain areas of the tongue, the respective organs are defective. For example, if you see the in figure

        A discoloration and/or sensitivity of a particular area of the tongue indicates a disorder in the organ corresponding to that area (see diagram). A whitish tongue indicates Kapha derangementand mucus accumulation, a red or yellow-green tongue indicates Pitta derangement; and a black-to-brown coloration indicates Mata derangement. A dehydrated tongue is symptomatic of a decrease in the dhatu Rasa (plasma), while a pale tongue indicates a decrease in the dhatu Rakta (red blood cells). Impressions of the teeth along the margin of the tongue, this in­dicates poor intestinal absorption.
       A coating covering the tongue indicates toxins in the stomach, small intestine or large intestine. If only the posterior part is coated, toxins are present in the large intestine; if the middle of the tongue is coated, toxins are present in the stomach and small intestine.

      A line down the middle of the tongue indicates that emotions are being held along the vertebral column. If this line is curved, it may indicate a deformity in the curvature of the spine.

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